showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Super 3D Noah's Ark  Wisdom Tree;Piko Interactive (Wisdom Tree)1994A non-violet Wolfenstein/Doom clone. Not licensed by Nintendo. A licensed SNES game must be 'piggy-backed' on the top on the cartridge to play.

It is obvious that S3DNA is not just a game built on the Wolfenstien 3D engine. It is a conversion of Wolfenstien 3D itself. The shape of the S3DNA maps lineup with most of the W3D maps. Some people have nothing better to do except say Wisdom Tree stole id's copyrighted game. There's no evidence at all of this. A persistent rumor is that id was so angry as the censorship Nintendo demanded on W3D for SNES, that they gave the source code to an unlicensed developer (Wisdom Tree) out of spite. Little is known for sure, but current and former employees of Wisdom Tree all speak about the making of S3DNA without being evasive, as if it was perfectly normal using id's code. id often licenses games engines. Secular companies licensing engines to Christian companies is not that unusual either. For instance, id main competitor, Epic Megagames, Licensed their Jill of the Jungle 3 code to Ark Multimedia. Which they used for <a href="/game-162424-Onesimus">Onesimus</a>. Other Christian games use 3rd party engines as well.

But there is evidence of yet a different origin for the W3D engine. It seems Color Dreams licensed the W3D engine for an NES game, <a href="/game-7863-Hellraiser">Hellraiser</a>. Wisdom Tree was created as a subsidiary of Color Dreams. Color Dreams later got out of the gaming business, but Wisdom Tree has kept at it to this day. Wisdom Tree may have acquired the rights to the W3D engine through their parent company, Color Dreams.

A authorized traditional cartridge version was reissued in 2013 by Piko Interactive in 1994. Available in a box with a manual (both optional). SKU:00005